C Ionian Lick & How To Use It

Randall Padilla



Ex. 3:
This is a C Ionian scale run, that ascends through the scale at a very high rate of speed (21 notes per second) with each note being individually picked.  The trick to facilitating this cleanly, accurately, and at tempo, is to, One: Believe that you can do it; and Two: Use economy picking in the ascending portion of the run.  The lick encompasses a total of 51 individual notes in roughly 2.42 seconds.  This level of speed is easily grasped by doing this: “Practice it slowly and accurately, repeat.”  I cover speed drills similar to this in my instructitonal DVD [Randall Padilla: Tao of Shred] and the real key to grasping techniques such as this, is to consistently with discipline, practice them “slowly/precisely; repeat.”

As always, divide this lick into segments and learn each proficiently and successively, adding on a new section only after the previous is attained.  Have fun and enjoy!
-Randall Padilla
You can reach Padilla at youtube.com/randypadilla209 or email at:


arpeggio lick exercise