
Kris Barras

is an ultra-smooth Legato lick incorporating Hammer-ons and Pull-offs
with Right-hand taps. This lick must be practised slowly at first,
and then build up the speed with time. The are some fairly wide
stretches involved so ensure that you are thoroughly warmed up
before attempting this phrase at any kind of speed.

people find, that when learning this type of lick, it sounds very
messy. This is due to the unwanted string noise from the un-played
strings. To solve this you must ensure that you are muting the
strings with both hands. The fret-hand should be muting the unplayed
top strings via your index finger. This involves laying the finger
slighty flat and fretting notes with the tip, but not the very
tip. To mute the unplayed bottom strings, use the palm of your
picking hand to rest slightly, preventing them from ringing out.

Lick is using the E Altered Blues scale (E mixolydian with chromatic
notes) and is best situated over an E7, E7#9 or an E alt chord.

Lick Tab

Lick MP3 (fast)

Check out more from Kris at www.krisbarras.com